Before diving head first into a discussion about legal fees, please enjoy a lawyer joke on me: Q: “How do you get a group of lawyers to smile for a photo?” A: “Just say, FEES!” The subject of legal fees is often a hotbed of contention and confusion and can... read more →
I love this time of the year. There is a crispness in the air and an undeniable hustle and bustle happening everywhere. For some, the hurriedness is the frantic search for the immediate warmth of the indoors, and for others, it’s the by-product of the daily grind and the anticipation... read more →
I am often asked the question: “Do I need a lawyer to sell my home?” This question often surprises me, although, on the other hand, I can easily understand why many people are unsure why a lawyer is required to complete the seemingly easy task of selling a home. The... read more →